Friday 18 October 2013

Cabin in the Woods

*steps out of time machine*

WHOA what a trip! Lucky I made it back at the exact point I left - now no one will know I've been -

*looks at watch*


So... How's everybody doing, huh?

Bertie P. Wolf is having none of your nonsense! Do you know how man times he's been Employee of the Month, DAGNABBIT?!!

Friday 1 February 2013


Finished up my doodle from a couple of months back...

Cabin in the Woods Monster fell by the wayside somehow (did we all fall in the same creative black hole?).
So I thought a kick start was in order.  If we're all ok with it I'd suggest February as the month of:

(That means there's no excuses for Mike)

Also, there's a big congratulations in order for one James P Brouwer, with his Comic The Deep (written by Tom Taylor) being optioned for a CG Series. Thanks James, you just made this blog 100% more legit.  Booyah!